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Why Didn't Local 3 Let Striking Members Decide Whether to End the Strike?

Writer's picture: Charter TechCharter Tech

A good union that cares would have given members a choice long ago. It could have called a membership meeting and given everyone a chance to vote on the company's final offer. Instead, Local 3 leaders kept strikers in the dark and gave them no choice. Did it even show members the final offer?

That would have been the fair, humane thing to do, especially since the final offer included huge wage increases averaging 22%. Instead, the union played politics. It kept strikers out while its leaders cozied up to the Mayor and Governor and plotted to destroy Charter. It also spent millions of members' dues on a campaign to boycott Charter. It could have given that money to strikers.

The politics and money wasted on the boycott didn't work. The strike has no chance of success. The union is keeping strikers out of work on principle or because of a grudge against the company. We can plainly see how the union treats its loyal striking members. How can we possibly believe we would be better off by keeping this union?

We now have a choice. If we vote to keep the union, this fight will continue and we can't move forward in our careers. The company has kept us informed, the union doesn't tell us anything.


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Jan 20, 2019

I too am voting NO, I have zero trust that the Union has our best interests in mind. They have NEVER communicated with the strikers, never shown us anything! It was simply “stay strong” I’ve been back to work over a year & am happy with my benefits and look forward for what’s to come. I come in & do my job, so I don’t fear being fired, nor should anyone who is not doing something their not supposed to be doing.


Jan 19, 2019

You shouldn't feel bad. It's okay to vote no. Unions aren't bad but this one isn't the right one. If the decertification is successful, someone will come knocking. Evaluate your options and make an informed decision. You have rights as a union member, as well as an employee, and one of those rights is to remove the union.


Jan 19, 2019

It’s unreal that a moth ago I was called a scab and a price of crap. Now they want me to vote for them. I agreed why would they let any members lose their homes . They could have spared every worker their jobs. Voted for an end and the could have taken an offer and then strike again at a later date. I mean that would have been very effective even . If they would have thrown the ability to upset the balance and strike, go back strike go back struck go back eventually they would have upset the balance and management would have caved. I stead they got greedy and everyone except those smart enough to say no…

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