New York is not a Right to Work state. Local 3’s contract, if it ever gets one, will require us all to become union members to keep our jobs. That means union dues and union rules, such as:
• Nobody is allowed to oppose a decision by the union bosses. Free speech does not apply to union members.
• We must honor a strike even if the union lies to convince a majority of employees to approve the strike.
• We must participate in picket duty to protest the Company.
• If we work during the strike, the union will fine us. The fines could be as much as we earned during the strike. If we don't pay, the union can sue us and will win based on the rules that apply to all members.
If the union wins the vote, we will have to put our fate into the hands of the union bosses and trust that they will always act in our best interests.
How has that worked out for the strikers???